It seems like we've been celebrating Halloween for a couple of weeks now...we had our first party at Steve's office - it was so great, they had cookie decorating, games and of course trick or treating around the office. We probably enjoyed the festivities more than Andrew this year, but next year it is sure to be a huge hit. Yesterday was Halloween at Creme, all of the kids dress up and they have a parade around the school, it was adorable! Andrew has two costumes for Halloween this year, the first is a hot dog which I felt was only fitting since I work at Vienna Beef and the second is a Monkey. The Hot Dog costume is 0-6 months, but since Andrew is so small, it fits - however it is a bunting, so it is much more difficult to move around. We tried it out and he seemed to be fine and then was a little annoyed, so we did a quick change (not before a couple of pictures) and he became a monkey. His buddy Max was also a monkey and they made the cutest monkey team. Max's mom (Jen) and I grew up in the same neighborhood and used to play together, so it is great that the boys get to grow up together now. Here are some pictures from Jen, I'll post Steve's as soon as I have them.
Andrew...the Hot Dog

Max and Andrew...double trouble! Jen and I with our monkey's

The class (Drew, Ryan, Max, Andrew, Emily & Effie)